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This blog is dedicated to all women suffering from PCOS who think that there is no cure and they have to accept the situation and live with it. Here, we have shared the story of one of our clients Ankita in hopes to spread awareness and educate people on how easy it is to reverse PCOS without medicines.

Read on to find out Ankita’s story from diagnosis all the way to the reversal.


PCOS is a complex condition in which the ovaries start producing an abnormal amount of male hormone called androgen, which normally is present in a very less volume in the female body. Often termed as a “lifestyle disease”, PCOS is becoming a growing concern day by day. An estimated one in five (20%) Indian women suffer from PCOS. Our client Ankita was also one of them. A lot of people have misconceptions that in order to have PCOS, you have to be obese. Ankita is an embodiment of the fact that it is not necessary for you to be overweight, or have excess hair on your body to have PCOS. Sometimes, PCOS can creep up in the form of minuscule hair thinning, or irregular periods sometimes.

Ankita got married in 2010 to her childhood sweetheart Uday. Ever since Ankita was a little girl, she knew her ultimate wish was to become a mother one day. In fact, she even considered her Barbie dolls to be her kids and named them Teena, Sheena, and Veena. However, when it was truly time to conceive, the couple was unsuccessful. After visiting three different doctors, Ankita finally received the daunting news that she had PCOS.

Ankita did not know a whole lot about PCOS, but she did know that she would have a hard time conceiving. She started following allopathic medications in hopes that her PCOS will be reversed. However, it started doing more harm than good. Ankita gained weight, stopped ovulating, and started experiencing excruciating periods.

After receiving no success from the allopathic treatments, they went ahead and started exploring fertility treatments. They went to a reputed clinic in Jaipur, India to get their first round of IVF done. After the physical and emotional turmoil caused by IVF to poor Ankita’s body, the doctor broke the news that it was not a successful attempt.

With 7 lakhs down the drain, they were skeptical if they wanted to go for another round as they were slowly depreciating all of their savings. Ankita and Uday decided to give it one last try, they started their second round, and carefully did as the doctor said but despite everything, their second attempt also failed.

The couple felt they needed to take a break for emotional and financial reasons. Ankita was the most affected as she felt that she had tried everything up to that point but nothing worked. This is when Ankita’s friend Sheetal told her about and how we were able to help thousands of women battle PCOS.

When Ankita came to us, she had very little hope. She had tried everything from allopathic medicines to IVF to even praying for 3 hours at a stretch. This is when we sat her down, evaluated her concerns, recommended one of our premium diet programs, and assured her that we will be in charge of her PCOS management.

Cut to today, Ankita has a 2-year-old and another one on the way. Uday and Ankita have now become hardcore educators of PCOS and do their best in spreading awareness of the implications of nutrition on PCOS and how it is reversible without any medicines.

Today, we want you to hear straight from the horse's mouth. That is why we have invited Ankita over today for an interview to share her story, struggles, achievements, and everything in between. : Welcome Ankita. We would love to hear about your struggles with PCOS.

Ankita: I was completely opposite of what google tells about a woman with PCOS. I was super skinny, had good skin, and had great energy levels. Although I did experience a bit of hair thinning, I always speculated it was due to hard water. After all, no girl is truly satisfied with the amount of hair on her head. We always want denser hair. I could have never thought that I have PCOS had it not been diagnosed. As you already know, My husband and I wanted to start our family. 

With little warnings about the nerve-wracking events that were going to unfold, we did whatever was told to us by medical professionals and peers to reverse it. However, at the end of the day, nothing worked except a lifestyle reset. After contacting, within 1.5 years, We were able to reverse my PCOS and conceive naturally. Now I am blessed with a 2-year-old beautiful baby girl and another one currently in the oven, due on 25th May. What was your experience with allopathic vs. nutritional treatments?

Ankita: During my allopathic journey, I felt like I was stuck in a loop. A fast-paced loop of appointments, injections, blood tests, and ultrasounds really took a toll on my mental and physical health. I felt like I was in the clinic all the time, and even when I was not in the clinic, I was constantly in touch with the doctors through emails or calls. In fact, My relationship with my husband also took a hit, as all we could talk about was this! Everything had to be prim and proper. Very specific. All in all, it was not a fun journey and while it may work wonders for many ladies, it is definitely not the route I would take ever again.

My nutrition journey was actually quite the opposite. It felt effortless. I could have never imagined that a few tweaks in my lifestyle could give me 2 beautiful babies and a solid relationship with my husband. Now, Uday and I love to spend quality time together by going to the gym, practicing yoga in the park, and going to our favorite healthy restaurant together. All thanks to Mrs. Renu at What has been the most rewarding part of your PCOS journey?

Ankita: My two children! Hands down. Ever since I can remember, I always wanted to be a mom and my biggest motivation for PCOS reversal were my children and my husband. In the process, I also made some great friends at and educated myself and my family about the value of health and nutrition. What would you say to people struggling with PCOS?

Ankita: Don’t lose hope. Stay consistent and do your research. Learn from my experience, I believed everything people told me and wasted the prime years of my youth. Do your own research, After all, everyone’s body is different. Staying true to yourself and enjoying the process is the key to a happy journey. Fixing your nutrition and seeking professional guidance will help you ten fold. Would you recommend to others?

Ankita: Absolutely!! You guys have changed my life. I wouldn't be where I am without your constant support and guidance. You guys are not just registered dietitians who help people with weight loss, PCOS, diabetes, and other ailments, you guys are mentors, guides, and gurus. Anyone who has PCOS should definitely get in touch with for an incredible journey.

You’re worth it…

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At, we have helped thousands of clients transform their lives and feel stronger, more energetic, and definitely more confident in how they look and feel, by improving their relationship with food!

Renu Puri Senior Nutritionist at

Renu PuriCo-Founder at niwiM.Sc. in Foods & Nutrition

Renu Puri, a skilled expert with an M.Sc. in Foods & Nutrition, is dedicated to making India healthier through her initiative - niwi. Drawing from years of experience in providing computer training to top corporate clients in software and IT, Renu realized her true passion lies in promoting health and wellness. This led her to establish niwi, where she combines her expertise in technology with her love for nutrition. niwi specializes in understanding the deep rooted behavior patterns surrounding nutrition. Renu and her team offer personalized diet counseling, helping clients not only understand what to eat but also why. What sets niwi apart in a crowded industry of nutrition services is Renu's ethos of nurturing client's eating patterns and fostering a healthy relationship with food.

Why us?

Niwi is your trusted partner in health and wellness, and has helped thousands of clients across India and overseas. Our commitment to transforming lives through personalised nutrition and holistic well being has been recognized by renowned publications like Hindustan Times, Zee News, Mint Media, Startup Story, reinforcing our position as a leading force in the health and wellness industry.

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